The Change From a Moment

Respected on the basis of equality, we find the truth of becoming the center of peace that enables the very root of ourselves to be whole. The only factor needed is the equipped mind that brings our atmosphere of devotion aligned.

Quality is where it starts…Beginning is how we succeed. Imagine flying with wings not yet seen, yet the practice is what it brings, which is flight. Focus your mind to soar like the eagle.

Balance is an Art that requires a keen motive structured on a pivot; encompassed by a point that is clearly centered beyond uncertain platforms.

What truly matters is the choices we make that lead us into a manner which critiques our nature of being. Grow into the course you want your life to exhibit wondrously. Be an arrow on a mission…Course the Narrow road…Become the sparrow that always finds its way.

~Be Willing…The Way Starts with You~

Michael Corinthian